Promise Retry Design Patterns

Something a bit different …

Async retries can be achieved by building a .catch() chain, as opposed to the more usual .then() chain.

This approach is :

  • only possible with a specified maximum number of attempts. (The chain must be of finite length),
  • only advisable with a low maximum. (Promise chains consume memory roughly proportional to their length).

Otherwise, use a recursive solution.

First, a utility function to be used as a .catch() callback.

var t = 500;

function rejectDelay(reason) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        setTimeout(reject.bind(null, reason), t); 

Now you can build .catch chains very concisely :

1. Retry until the promise resolves, with delay

var max = 5;
var p = Promise.reject();

for(var i=0; i<max; i++) {
    p = p.catch(attempt).catch(rejectDelay);
p = p.then(processResult).catch(errorHandler);


2. Retry until result meets some condition, without delay

var max = 5;
var p = Promise.reject();

for(var i=0; i<max; i++) {
    p = p.catch(attempt).then(test);
p = p.then(processResult).catch(errorHandler);


3. Retry until result meets some condition, with delay

Having got your mind round (1) and (2), a combined test+delay is equally trivial.

var max = 5;
var p = Promise.reject();

for(var i=0; i<max; i++) {
    p = p.catch(attempt).then(test).catch(rejectDelay);
    // Don't be tempted to simplify this to `p.catch(attempt).then(test, rejectDelay)`. Test failures would not be caught.
p = p.then(processResult).catch(errorHandler);

test() can be synchronous or asynchronous.

It would also be trivial to add further tests. Simply sandwich a chain of thens between the two catches.

p = p.catch(attempt).then(test1).then(test2).then(test3).catch(rejectDelay);


All versions are designed for attempt to be a promise-returning async function. It could also conceivably return a value, in which case the chain would follow its success path to the next/terminal .then().

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