Purity vs Referential transparency

If I gather in one place any three theorists of my acquaintance, at least two of them disagree on the meaning of the term “referential transparency.” And when I was a young student, a mentor of mine gave me a paper explaining that even if you consider only the professional literature, the phrase “referentially transparent” is used to mean at least three different things. (Unfortunately that paper is somewhere in a box of reprints that have yet to be scanned. I searched Google Scholar for it but I had no success.)

I cannot inform you, but I can advise you to give up: Because even the tiny cadre of pointy-headed language theorists can’t agree on what it means, the term “referentially transparent” is not useful. So don’t use it.

P.S. On any topic to do with the semantics of programming languages, Wikipedia is unreliable. I have given up trying to fix it; the Wikipedian process seems to regard change and popular voting over stability and accuracy.

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