PySerial non-blocking read loop

Using a separate thread is totally unnecessary. Just do this for your infinite while loop instead (Tested in Python 3.2.3). I use this technique in my eRCaGuy_PyTerm serial terminal program here (search the code for inWaiting() or in_waiting).

import serial
import time # Optional (required if using time.sleep() below)

ser = serial.Serial(port="COM4", baudrate=9600)

while (True):
    # Check if incoming bytes are waiting to be read from the serial input 
    # buffer.
    # NB: for PySerial v3.0 or later, use property `in_waiting` instead of
    # function `inWaiting()` below!
    if (ser.inWaiting() > 0):
        # read the bytes and convert from binary array to ASCII
        data_str ='ascii') 
        # print the incoming string without putting a new-line
        # ('\n') automatically after every print()
        print(data_str, end='') 

    # Put the rest of your code you want here
    # Optional, but recommended: sleep 10 ms (0.01 sec) once per loop to let 
    # other threads on your PC run during this time. 

This way you only read and print if something is there. You said, “Ideally I should be able to read serial data only when it’s available.” This is exactly what the code above does. If nothing is available to read, it skips on to the rest of your code in the while loop. Totally non-blocking.

(This answer originally posted & debugged here: Python 3 non-blocking read with pySerial (Cannot get pySerial’s “in_waiting” property to work))

pySerial documentation:


Note on multi-threading:

Even though reading serial data, as shown above, does not require using multiple threads, reading keyboard input in a non-blocking manner does. Therefore, to accomplish non-blocking keyboard input reading, I’ve written this answer: How to read keyboard-input?.


  1. Official pySerial serial.Serial() class API –

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