Replace values in a pandas series via dictionary efficiently

One trivial solution is to choose a method dependent on an estimate of how completely values are covered by dictionary keys.

General case

  • Use df['A'].map(d) if all values mapped; or
  • Use df['A'].map(d).fillna(df['A']).astype(int) if >5% values mapped.

Few, e.g. < 5%, values in d

  • Use df['A'].replace(d)

The “crossover point” of ~5% is specific to Benchmarking below.

Interestingly, a simple list comprehension generally underperforms map in either scenario.


import pandas as pd, numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.randint(0, 1000, 1000000)})
lst = df['A'].values.tolist()

##### TEST 1 - Full Map #####

d = {i: i+1 for i in range(1000)}

%timeit df['A'].replace(d)                          # 1.98s
%timeit df['A'].map(d)                              # 84.3ms
%timeit [d[i] for i in lst]                         # 134ms

##### TEST 2 - Partial Map #####

d = {i: i+1 for i in range(10)}

%timeit df['A'].replace(d)                          # 20.1ms
%timeit df['A'].map(d).fillna(df['A']).astype(int)  # 111ms
%timeit [d.get(i, i) for i in lst]                  # 243ms


The reason why s.replace is so slow is that it does much more than simply map a dictionary. It deals with some edge cases and arguably rare situations, which typically merit more care in any case.

This is an excerpt from replace() in pandas\

items = list(compat.iteritems(to_replace))
keys, values = zip(*items)
are_mappings = [is_dict_like(v) for v in values]

if any(are_mappings):
    # handling of nested dictionaries
    to_replace, value = keys, values

return self.replace(to_replace, value, inplace=inplace,
                    limit=limit, regex=regex)

There appear to be many steps involved:

  • Converting dictionary to a list.
  • Iterating through list and checking for nested dictionaries.
  • Feeding an iterator of keys and values into a replace function.

This can be compared to much leaner code from map() in pandas\

if isinstance(arg, (dict, Series)):
    if isinstance(arg, dict):
        arg = self._constructor(arg, index=arg.keys())

    indexer = arg.index.get_indexer(values)
    new_values = algos.take_1d(arg._values, indexer)

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