python enums with attributes

Python 3.4 has a new Enum data type (which has been backported as enum34 and enhanced as aenum1). Both enum34 and aenum2 easily support your use case:

  • aenum (Python 2/3)

      import aenum
      class EnumWithAttrs(aenum.AutoNumberEnum):
          _init_ = 'a b'
          GREEN = 'a', 'b'
          BLUE = 'c', 'd'
  • enum34 (Python 2/3) or standard library enum (Python 3.4+)

      import enum
      class EnumWithAttrs(enum.Enum):
          def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
              value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
              obj = object.__new__(cls)
              obj._value_ = value
              return obj
          def __init__(self, a, b):
              self.a = a
              self.b = b
          GREEN = 'a', 'b'
          BLUE = 'c', 'd'

And in use:

>>> EnumWithAttrs.BLUE
<EnumWithAttrs.BLUE: 1>

>>> EnumWithAttrs.BLUE.a

1 Disclosure: I am the author of the Python stdlib Enum, the enum34 backport, and the Advanced Enumeration (aenum) library.

2 aenum also supports NamedConstants and metaclass-based NamedTuples.

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