Python Logging (function name, file name, line number) using a single file

The correct answer for this is to use the already provided funcName variable

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FORMAT = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)20s() ] %(message)s"

Then anywhere you want, just add:

logger.debug('your message') 

Example output from a script I’m working on right now:

[ -          handleRange() ] ['[A-Z]']
[ -     handleRepetition() ] [[<__main__.CharacterRangeEmitter object at 0x10ba03050>, '{', '1', '}']]
[ -          handleMacro() ] ['\\d']
[ -     handleRepetition() ] [[<__main__.CharacterRangeEmitter object at 0x10ba03950>, '{', '1', '}']]
[ -       handleSequence() ] [[<__main__.GroupEmitter object at 0x10b9fedd0>, <__main__.GroupEmitter object at 0x10ba03ad0>]]

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