python subprocess with timeout and large output (>64K)

As opposed to all the warnings in the subprocess documentation then directly reading from process.stdout and process.stderr has provided a better solution.

By better I mean that I can read output from a process that exceeds 2^16 bytes without having to temporarily store the output on disk.

The code follows:

import fcntl
import os
import subprocess
import time

def nonBlockRead(output):
    fd = output.fileno()
    fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
    fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
        return ''

def cmd(cmdline, timeout=60):
    Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
    Uses the subprocess module and subprocess.PIPE.

    Raises TimeoutInterrupt

    p = subprocess.Popen(
        bufsize = bufsize, # default value of 0 (unbuffered) is best
        shell   = False, # not really needed; it's disabled by default
        stdout  = subprocess.PIPE,
        stderr  = subprocess.PIPE

    t_begin = time.time() # Monitor execution time
    seconds_passed = 0


    while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout: # Monitor process
        time.sleep(0.1) # Wait a little
        seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin

        # p.std* blocks on read(), which messes up the timeout timer.
        # To fix this, we use a nonblocking read()
        # Note: Not sure if this is Windows compatible
        stdout += nonBlockRead(p.stdout)
        stderr += nonBlockRead(p.stderr)

    if seconds_passed >= timeout:
            p.stdout.close()  # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
            p.stderr.close()  # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
            p.terminate()     # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
                              # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?

        raise TimeoutInterrupt

    returncode  = p.returncode

    return (returncode, stdout, stderr)

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