R – emulate the default behavior of hist() with ggplot2 for bin width

Without sample data, it’s always difficult to get reproducible results, so i’ve created a sample dataset

mydata <- data.frame(myvariable=rnorm(500, 1500000, 10000))

#base histogram

As you’ve learned, hist() is a generic function. If you want to see the different implementations you can type methods(hist). Most of the time you’ll be running hist.default. So if be borrow the break finding logic from that funciton, we come up with

brx <- pretty(range(mydata$myvariable), 
    n = nclass.Sturges(mydata$myvariable),min.n = 1)

which is how hist() by default calculates the breaks. We can then use these breaks with the ggplot command

ggplot(mydata, aes(x=myvariable)) + 
    geom_histogram(color="darkgray",fill="white", breaks=brx) + 
    scale_x_continuous("My variable") + 

and the plot below shows the two results side-by-side and as you can see they are quite similar.

enter image description here

Also, that empty bim was probably caused by your y-axis limits. If a shape goes outside the limits of the range you specify in scale_y_continuous, it will simply get dropped from the plot. It looks like that bin wanted to be 14 tall, but you clipped y at 12.5.

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