Race between System.out and System.err in java [duplicate]

Why does this happen?

This is because out and err are two different output streams. However, both of them print on console. So you do not see them as different streams. Moreover, when you do out.println(), it is not guaranteed that you will see the output on the console as soon as the statement gets executed. Instead, the strings are usually(depends on the system) stored in an output buffer (if you will) which is processed later by the system to put the output from the buffer onto the screen.

Solution :(

Although, as Eng.Fouad pointed out that you can use setOut(System.err) or setErr(System.out) to make them ordered, I would still not suggest doing that when you are actually putting this in an application (only use it for debugging purposes).

What the proposed solution does is that it will end up using only one stream for both the standard output and the standard error, which I do not think is a good thing to do.

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