Ranking order per group in Pandas

There are lots of different arguments you can pass to rank; it looks like you can use rank("dense", ascending=False) to get the results you want, after doing a groupby:

>>> df["rank"] = df.groupby("group_ID")["value"].rank(method="dense", ascending=False)
>>> df
     group_ID item_ID  value  rank
0  0S00A1HZEy      AB     10     2
1  0S00A1HZEy      AY      4     3
2  0S00A1HZEy      AC     35     1
3  0S03jpFRaS      AY     90     1
4  0S03jpFRaS      A5      3     5
5  0S03jpFRaS      A3     10     2
6  0S03jpFRaS      A2      8     4
7  0S03jpFRaS      A4      9     3
8  0S03jpFRaS      A6      2     6
9  0S03jpFRaS      AX      0     7

But note that if you’re not using a global ranking scheme, finding out the mean rank across groups isn’t very meaningful– unless there are duplicate values in a group (and so you have duplicate rank values) all you’re doing is measuring how many elements there are in a group.

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