React Native – React Navigation transitions

You can find detailed version of this post on this link

I hope this is clear enough with step-by-step for how to create custom transition.

Create a Scene or Two to navigate

class SceneOne extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <Text>{'Scene One'}</Text>
class SceneTwo extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <Text>{'Scene Two'}</Text>

Declare your app scenes

let AppScenes = {
    SceneOne: {
        screen: SceneOne
    SceneTwo: {
        screen: SceneTwo

Declare custom transition

let MyTransition = (index, position) => {
    const inputRange = [index - 1, index, index + 1];
    const opacity = position.interpolate({
        outputRange: [.8, 1, 1],

    const scaleY = position.interpolate({
        outputRange: ([0.8, 1, 1]),

    return {
        transform: [

Declare custom transitions configurator

let TransitionConfiguration = () => {
    return {
        // Define scene interpolation, eq. custom transition
        screenInterpolator: (sceneProps) => {

            const {position, scene} = sceneProps;
            const {index} = scene;

            return MyTransition(index, position);

Create app navigator using Stack Navigator

const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(AppScenes, {
    transitionConfig: TransitionConfiguration

Use App Navigator in your project

class App extends Component {
    return (
            <AppNavigator />

Register your app in eq. index.ios.js

import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyApp', () => App);

Update #1

As for the question on how to set transition per scene, this is how I’m doing it.

When you navigate using NavigationActions from react-navigation, you can pass through some props. In my case it looks like this

    routeName: 'SceneTwo',
    params: {
        transition: 'myCustomTransition'

and then inside the Configurator you can switch between these transition like this

let TransitionConfiguration = () => {
    return {
        // Define scene interpolation, eq. custom transition
        screenInterpolator: (sceneProps) => {

            const {position, scene} = sceneProps;
            const {index, route} = scene
            const params = route.params || {}; // <- That's new
            const transition = params.transition || 'default'; // <- That's new

            return {
                myCustomTransition: MyCustomTransition(index, position),
                default: MyTransition(index, position),

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