react router v4 default page(not found page)

React Router’s No Match documentation covers this. You need to import the <Switch> component, then you can remove the path attribute altogether.

A <Switch> renders the first child <Route> that matches. A <Route> with no path always matches

This is the example that uses:

      <Route path="" exact component={Home}/>
      <Redirect from="/old-match" to="/will-match"/>
      <Route path="/will-match" component={WillMatch}/>
      <Route component={NoMatch}/>

So in your case, you’d simply drop the path="*" and introduce the <Switch>:

  <Route exact path="" component={Home}/>
  <Route path="/user" component={User}/>
  <Route component={Notfound} />

Remember to include Switch to your import statement at the top.

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