Reading a character with scanf_s

You are misusing scanf_s(). Microsoft compilers may warn you to use their secure extensions (aka c11 annex k). But, be careful if you do so. scanf_s() is not a direct replacement for scanf().

In this case you have to pass the size of the output buffer as an extra argument.

char c;
scanf_s("%c", &c, 1);

Having to put a 1 as the size of a single character may seem a bit pedantic. That’s because %c can read any number of character. %c is just an alias for %1c (a single character).

By knowing the buffer size scanf_s() is designed to prevent buffer overflow (a security risk).

Although, how much these functions really help is debatable. See: Field Experience With Annex K.

According to msdn:

Unlike scanf and wscanf, scanf_s and wscanf_s require the buffer size
to be specified for all input parameters of type c, C, s, S, or string
control sets that are enclosed in []. The buffer size in characters is
passed as an additional parameter immediately following the pointer to
the buffer or variable.

In the case of characters, a single character may be read as follows:

char c;

scanf_s(“%c”, &c, 1);

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