regex replace all ignore case

To do case-insensitive search and replace, you can change

outText = inText.replaceAll(word, word.replaceAll(" ", "~"));


outText = inText.replaceAll("(?i)" + word, word.replaceAll(" ", "~"));

Avoid ruining the original capitalization:

In the above approach however, you’re ruining the capitalization of the replaced word. Here is a better suggestion:

String inText="Sony Ericsson is a leading company in mobile. " +
              "The company sony ericsson was found in oct 2001";
String word = "sony ericsson";

Pattern p = Pattern.compile(word, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(inText);

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

while (m.find()) {
  String replacement =' ', '~');
  m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement));

String outText = sb.toString();



Sony~Ericsson is a leading company in mobile.
The company sony~ericsson was found in oct 2001

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