regex replace with callback in c++11?

I wanted this kind of function and didn’t like the answer “use boost”. The problem with Benjamin’s answer is it provides all the tokens. This means you don’t know which token is a match and it doesn’t let you use capture groups. This does:

// clang++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -o test test.cpp
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>

namespace std

template<class BidirIt, class Traits, class CharT, class UnaryFunction>
std::basic_string<CharT> regex_replace(BidirIt first, BidirIt last,
    const std::basic_regex<CharT,Traits>& re, UnaryFunction f)
    std::basic_string<CharT> s;

    typename std::match_results<BidirIt>::difference_type
        positionOfLastMatch = 0;
    auto endOfLastMatch = first;

    auto callback = [&](const std::match_results<BidirIt>& match)
        auto positionOfThisMatch = match.position(0);
        auto diff = positionOfThisMatch - positionOfLastMatch;

        auto startOfThisMatch = endOfLastMatch;
        std::advance(startOfThisMatch, diff);

        s.append(endOfLastMatch, startOfThisMatch);

        auto lengthOfMatch = match.length(0);

        positionOfLastMatch = positionOfThisMatch + lengthOfMatch;

        endOfLastMatch = startOfThisMatch;
        std::advance(endOfLastMatch, lengthOfMatch);

    std::regex_iterator<BidirIt> begin(first, last, re), end;
    std::for_each(begin, end, callback);

    s.append(endOfLastMatch, last);

    return s;

template<class Traits, class CharT, class UnaryFunction>
std::string regex_replace(const std::string& s,
    const std::basic_regex<CharT,Traits>& re, UnaryFunction f)
    return regex_replace(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), re, f);

} // namespace std

using namespace std;

std::string my_callback(const std::smatch& m) {
  int int_m = atoi(m.str(0).c_str());
  return std::to_string(int_m + 1);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    cout << regex_replace("my values are 9, 19", regex("\\d+"),
        my_callback) << endl;

    cout << regex_replace("my values are 9, 19", regex("\\d+"),
        [](const std::smatch& m){
            int int_m = atoi(m.str(0).c_str());
            return std::to_string(int_m + 1);
    ) << endl;

    return 0;

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