how to avoid static member function when using gsl with c++

You can easily wrap member functions using the following code (which is a well known solution)

 class gsl_function_pp : public gsl_function
    gsl_function_pp(std::function<double(double)> const& func) : _func(func){
    std::function<double(double)> _func;
    static double invoke(double x, void *params) {
     return static_cast<gsl_function_pp*>(params)->_func(x);

Then you can use std::bind to wrap the member function in a std::function. Example:

gsl_function_pp Fp( std::bind(&Class::member_function, &(*this),  std::placeholders::_1) );
gsl_function *F = static_cast<gsl_function*>(&Fp);     

However, you should be aware about the performance penalties of std::function before wrapping member functions inside gsl integration routine. See template vs std::function . To avoid this performance hit (which may or may not be critical for you), you should use templates as shown below

template< typename F >
  class gsl_function_pp : public gsl_function {
  gsl_function_pp(const F& func) : _func(func) {
    function = &gsl_function_pp::invoke;
  const F& _func;
  static double invoke(double x, void *params) {
    return static_cast<gsl_function_pp*>(params)->_func(x);

In this case, to call a member function you need the following

 Class* ptr2 = this;
 auto ptr = [=](double x)->double{return ptr2->foo(x);};
 gsl_function_pp<decltype(ptr)> Fp(ptr);     
 gsl_function *F = static_cast<gsl_function*>(&Fp);   

PS: the link template vs std::function explains that compiler usually has an easier time optimizing templates than std::function (which is critical for performance if your code is doing heavy numerical calculation). So even tough the workaround in the second example seems more cumbersome, I would prefer templates than std::function.

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