Remove everything within script and style tags

Do not use RegEx on HTML. PHP provides a tool for parsing DOM structures, called appropriately DomDocument.

// some HTML for example
$myHtml="<html><head><script>alert("hi mom!");</script></head><body><style>body { color: red;} </style><h1>This is some content</h1><p>content is awesome</p></body><script src=""></script></html>";

// create a new DomDocument object
$doc = new DOMDocument();

// load the HTML into the DomDocument object (this would be your source HTML)

removeElementsByTagName('script', $doc);
removeElementsByTagName('style', $doc);
removeElementsByTagName('link', $doc);

// output cleaned html
echo $doc->saveHtml();

function removeElementsByTagName($tagName, $document) {
  $nodeList = $document->getElementsByTagName($tagName);
  for ($nodeIdx = $nodeList->length; --$nodeIdx >= 0; ) {
    $node = $nodeList->item($nodeIdx);

You can try it here:


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