Render value without data-binding

Angular 1.3+

In 1.3, Angular has supported this using the following syntax.


As mentioned in this answer.

Angular 1.2 and below

This is simple and doesn’t need a plugin. Check this out.

This small directive will easily accomplish what you are trying to achieve

app.directive('bindOnce', function() {
    return {
        scope: true,
        link: function( $scope ) {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 0);

You can bind once like this

<div bind-once>I bind once - {{message}}</div>

You can bind like normal

<div ng-bind="message" bind-once></div>


Some of you may be using angular batarang, and as mentioned in the comments if you use this directive the element still shows as binding when it is not, I am pretty sure this has something to do with the classes that are attached to the element so try this, it should work (not tested). Let me know in the comments if it worked for you.

app.directive('bindOnce', function() {
    return {
        scope: true,
        link: function( $scope, $element ) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                $element.removeClass('ng-binding ng-scope');
            }, 0);

@x0b: If you have OCD and you want to remove the empty class attribute do this

!$element.attr('class') && $element.removeAttr('class')

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