Replace list of list with “condensed” list of list while maintaining order

Here’s a brute-force approach (it might be easier to understand):

from itertools import chain

def condense(*lists):
    # remember original positions
    positions = {}
    for pos, item in enumerate(chain(*lists)):
        if item not in positions:
            positions[item] = pos

    # condense disregarding order
    sets = condense_sets(map(set, lists))

    # restore order
    result = [sorted(s, key=positions.get) for s in sets]
    return result if len(result) != 1 else result[0]

def condense_sets(sets):
    result = []
    for candidate in sets:
        for current in result:
            if candidate & current:   # found overlap
                current |= candidate  # combine (merge sets)

                # new items from candidate may create an overlap
                # between current set and the remaining result sets
                result = condense_sets(result) # merge such sets
        else:  # no common elements found (or result is empty)
    return result


>>> condense([1,2,3], [10,5], [3,8,5])
[1, 2, 3, 10, 5, 8]
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [3,4]
>>> i = [21,22]
>>> c = [88,7,8]
>>> e = [5,4]
>>> d = [3, 50]
>>> f = [8,9]
>>> g=  [9,10]
>>> h = [20,21]
>>> condense(*[a,b,c,i,e,d,f,g,h,a,c,i]*1000)
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 50], [88, 7, 8, 9, 10], [21, 22, 20]]
>>> condense([1], [2, 3, 2])
[[1], [2, 3]]

Performance comparison

condense_*() functions are from the answers to this question. lst_OP input list from the question (different size), lst_BK – the test list from @Blckknght’s answer (different size). See the source.

Measurements show that solutions based on “disjoint sets” and “connected components of undirected graph” concepts perform similar on both types of input.

name                       time ratio comment
condense_hynekcer     5.79 msec  1.00 lst_OP
condense_hynekcer2     7.4 msec  1.28 lst_OP
condense_pillmuncher2 11.5 msec  1.99 lst_OP
condense_blckknght    16.8 msec  2.91 lst_OP
condense_jfs            26 msec  4.49 lst_OP
condense_BK           30.5 msec  5.28 lst_OP
condense_blckknght2   30.9 msec  5.34 lst_OP
condense_blckknght3   32.5 msec  5.62 lst_OP

name                       time  ratio comment
condense_blckknght     964 usec   1.00 lst_BK
condense_blckknght2   1.41 msec   1.47 lst_BK
condense_blckknght3   1.46 msec   1.51 lst_BK
condense_hynekcer2    1.95 msec   2.03 lst_BK
condense_pillmuncher2  2.1 msec   2.18 lst_BK
condense_hynekcer     2.12 msec   2.20 lst_BK
condense_BK           3.39 msec   3.52 lst_BK
condense_jfs           544 msec 563.66 lst_BK

name                       time ratio comment
condense_hynekcer     6.86 msec  1.00 lst_rnd
condense_jfs          16.8 msec  2.44 lst_rnd
condense_blckknght    28.6 msec  4.16 lst_rnd
condense_blckknght2   56.1 msec  8.18 lst_rnd
condense_blckknght3   56.3 msec  8.21 lst_rnd
condense_BK           70.2 msec 10.23 lst_rnd
condense_pillmuncher2  324 msec 47.22 lst_rnd
condense_hynekcer2     334 msec 48.61 lst_rnd

To reproduce results clone gist and run

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