Restoring deleted ‘root’ user and password for MySQL

I have a quick and dirty way

Get someone with SysAdmin rights and do the following:

  1. Add ‘skip-grant-tables’ to my.cnf under the [mysqld] section

  2. restart mysql

  3. type mysql with no password and hit enter

  4. Run This:

    DELETE FROM mysql.user 
    WHERE  user="root" 
           AND host="localhost"; 
    INSERT INTO mysql.user 
    SET user="root", 
        password = Password('whatevernewpassword'), 
        Select_priv = 'y',
        Insert_priv = 'y',
        Update_priv = 'y',
        Delete_priv = 'y',
        Create_priv = 'y',
        Drop_priv = 'y',
        Reload_priv = 'y',
        Shutdown_priv = 'y',
        Process_priv = 'y',
        File_priv = 'y',
        Grant_priv = 'y',
        References_priv = 'y',
        Index_priv = 'y',
        Alter_priv = 'y',
        Show_db_priv = 'y',
        Super_priv = 'y',
        Create_tmp_table_priv = 'y',
        Lock_tables_priv = 'y',
        Execute_priv = 'y',
        Repl_slave_priv = 'y',
        Repl_client_priv = 'y',
        Create_view_priv = 'y',
        Show_view_priv = 'y',
        Create_routine_priv = 'y',
        Alter_routine_priv = 'y',
        Create_user_priv = 'y',
        Event_priv = 'y',
        Trigger_priv = 'y',
        Create_tablespace_priv = 'y';
  5. exit from mysql

  6. remove ‘skip-grant-tables’ from my.cnf under the [mysqld] section

  7. restart mysql

That should be all!

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