Retrieve query results as dict in SQLAlchemy

results is a tuple and I want it to be of type dict()

Updated answer for SQLAlchemy 1.4:

Version 1.4 has deprecated the old engine.execute() pattern and changed the way .execute() operates internally. .execute() now returns a CursorResult object with a .mappings() method:

import sqlalchemy as sa

# …

with engine.begin() as conn:
    qry = sa.text("SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM clients WHERE ID < 3")
    resultset = conn.execute(qry)
    results_as_dict = resultset.mappings().all()
    [{'FirstName': 'Gord', 'LastName': 'Thompson'}, 
     {'FirstName': 'Bob', 'LastName': 'Loblaw'}]

(Previous answer for SQLAlchemy 1.3)

SQLAlchemy already does this for you if you use engine.execute instead of raw_connection(). With engine.execute, fetchone will return a SQLAlchemy Row object and fetchall will return a list of Row objects. Row objects can be accessed by key, just like a dict:

sql = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM clients WHERE ID = 1"
result = engine.execute(sql).fetchone()
print(type(result))  # <class 'sqlalchemy.engine.result.Row'>
print(result['FirstName'])  # Gord

If you need a true dict object then you can just convert it:

my_dict = dict(result)
print(my_dict)  # {'FirstName': 'Gord', 'LastName': 'Thompson'}

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