Return value of sed for no match

as @cnicutar commented, the return code of a command means if the command was executed successfully. has nothing to do with the logic you implemented in the codes/scripts.

so if you have:

echo "foo"|sed '/bar/ s/a/b/'

sed will return 0 but if you write some syntax/expression errors, or the input/file doesn’t exist, sed cannot execute your request, sed will return 1.


this is actually not workaround. sed has q command: (from man page):

 q [exit-code]

here you can define exit-code as you want. For example '/foo/!{q100}; {s/f/b/}' will exit with code 100 if foo isn’t present, and otherwise perform the substitution f->b and exit with code 0.

Matched case:

kent$  echo "foo" | sed  '/foo/!{q100}; {s/f/b/}'
kent$  echo $?

Unmatched case:

kent$ echo "trash" | sed  '/foo/!{q100}; {s/f/b/}'
kent$ echo $?

I hope this answers your question.


I must add that, the above example is just for one-line processing. I don’t know your exact requirement. when you want to get exit 1. one-line unmatched or the whole file. If whole file unmatching case, you may consider awk, or even do a grep before your text processing…

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