Route helpers in asset pipeline

UPDATE: Now there is a gem that does this for you: js-routes

The problem is that Sprockets is evaluating the ERB outside of the context of your Rails app, and most of the stuff you’re expecting isn’t there.

You can add things to your Sprockets context like so:

Rails.application.assets.context_class.class_eval do
  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

That’s all well and good, but getting the helpers that require an id to work is a little trickier. I’m going to use a technique called a URI Template:

var event_path = "<%= CGI.unescape event_path('{event_id}') %>";

which returns /events/{event_id} which you could render into a url using an object like { event_id: 1 }. See SugarJS’s String#assign method as example implementation of this. You could also roll your own like I did.

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