Rscript: There is no package called …?

In short, the value returned by calling Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER') in R.exe needs to be the same as the value returned by calling this at the command line:

Rscript.exe -e "Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER')"

and the above value needs to be included in this command line call:

Rscript.exe -e ".libPaths()"

Note that the values of R_LIBS_USER may be differ between R.exe and Rscript.exe if the value of R_USER is changed, either in the .Rprofile or the in target field of user’s shortcut to R.exe, and in general, I find that the user library (i.e. .libPaths()[2]) is simply not set in Rscript.exe

Since I’m fond of setting R_USER to my USERPROFILE, I include the following block in at the top of .R files that I wish to run on mulitiple computers or in Rscript.exe’s .Rprofile (i.e. Rscript -e "path.expand('~/.Rprofile')"):

# =====================================================================
# For compatibility with Rscript.exe: 
# =====================================================================
if(length(.libPaths()) == 1){
    # We're in Rscript.exe
    possible_lib_paths <- file.path(Sys.getenv(c('USERPROFILE','R_USER')),
    indx <- which(file.exists(possible_lib_paths))
    # CLEAN UP
# =====================================================================

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