“SELECT COUNT(*)” is slow, even with where clause

InnoDB uses clustered primary keys, so the primary key is stored along with the row in the data pages, not in separate index pages. In order to do a range scan you still have to scan through all of the potentially wide rows in data pages; note that this table contains a TEXT column.

Two things I would try:

  1. run optimize table. This will ensure that the data pages are physically stored in sorted order. This could conceivably speed up a range scan on a clustered primary key.
  2. create an additional non-primary index on just the change_event_id column. This will store a copy of that column in index pages which be much faster to scan. After creating it, check the explain plan to make sure it’s using the new index.

(you also probably want to make the change_event_id column bigint unsigned if it’s incrementing from zero)

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