Serial communication between Arduino and Matlab is losing data

When you open the serial connection, the Arduino resets itself and the bootloader waits for potential sketch upload. This adds some delay before the sketch actually runs.

Add a pause after you open the serial connection.


There are other options:

  1. Make the Arduino to announce when it’s booted up, by sending something to the PC. For example you wait until the Arduino sends an S.

  2. I am not sure if this is possible with MATLAB, but if you disable the serial’s DTR pin, the Arduino won’t auto reset.

  3. Burn the code directly with the programmer, so the there is no bootloader which waits at boot. But this also prevents you from uploading the sketch via the USB.

  4. A hardware solution to prevent auto reset. But this prevents the necessary reboot during the sketch uploading, so you have to time the reset manually.

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