Serialization of Entity Framework objects with One to Many Relationship

When you see an object like:


It is a runtime EF Generated version of a proxy to what would normally be considered a POCO object.

Entity Framework has created this object because it tracks when the objects has changed so when you call .SaveChanges() it can optimize what to do. The downfall of this is that you aren’t actually using the specific object you defined, thus Data Contracts and Frameworks ( cannot use them as they would your original POCO object.

To Prevent EF from returning this object you have two choices (ATM):

First, Try turning off Proxy object creation on your DbContext.

DbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

This will completely disable the create of Proxy objects for every query to the specific DbContext. (This does not affect the cached object in the ObjectContext).

Secondly, use EntityFramework 5.0+ with AsNoTracking()
(ProxyCreationEnabled is still available in EF 5.0 as well)

You should also be able to



  .Include(i => i.Parents)

Instead of globally disabling proxy creation for the DbContext, this only turns it off per query. (This DOES affect the cached object in the ObjectContext, it is not cached)

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