Should we use RecyclerView to replace ListView? [closed]

If ListView works for you, there is no reason to migrate.
If you are writing a new UI, you might be better off with RecyclerView.

RecyclerView is powerful when you need to customize your list or you want better animations. Those convenience methods in ListView caused a lot of trouble to people which is why RecyclerView provides a more flexible solution to them.

The major change you need to make for migration is in your adapter. If you want to keep calling notifyDataSetChanged, you lose most of the animation & binding benefits. But if you can change your adapter to dispatch detailed notify events (added/removed/moved/updated), then you get much better animations and performance. These events let RecyclerView choose correct animations and it also helps it avoid unnecessary onBind calls. You’ll get a huge benefit if your item views are complex. Also, going forward, there will be more components around RecyclerView.

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