Smooth text animation (Marquee) using WPF

Your animation will be handled entirely at the MilCore layer if:

  1. Your TranslateTransform is a RenderTransform (not a LayoutTransform), and
  2. You use a simple animation such as a DoubleAnimation, and
  3. Your object has no clipping or opacity calculations

Try using a DoubleAnimation-animated TranslateTransform for a RenderTransform on a TextBlock that is a direct child of a Window with default settings.

  • If this is still slow, there is something slow about your Direct3D system because managed code is not involved at all and MilCore’s calls are very simple, but

  • If it works smoothly and efficiently, incrementally change it to your poorly-performing code to see what change causes the slowdown.

Given your response to Jobi Joy’s answer I would suspect the problem is somewhere in your hardware or Direct3D setup, but the only way to find out is to test it.

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