Socket.IO Authentication

Use connect-redis and have redis as your session store for all authenticated users. Make sure on authentication you send the key (normally req.sessionID) to the client. Have the client store this key in a cookie.

On socket connect (or anytime later) fetch this key from the cookie and send it back to the server. Fetch the session information in redis using this key. (GET key)


Server side (with redis as session store):

res.send({rediskey: req.sessionID});

Client side:

//store the key in a cookie
SetCookie('rediskey', <%= rediskey %>); //

//then when socket is connected, fetch the rediskey from the document.cookie and send it back to server
var socket = new io.Socket();

socket.on('connect', function() {
  var rediskey = GetCookie('rediskey'); //
  socket.send({rediskey: rediskey});

Server side:

//in io.on('connection')
io.on('connection', function(client) {
  client.on('message', function(message) {

    if(message.rediskey) {
      //fetch session info from redis
      redisclient.get(message.rediskey, function(e, c) {
        client.user_logged_in = c.username;


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