Sort list of strings by a part of the string

To change sorting key, use the key parameter:

>>>s = ['variable1 (name3)', 'variable2 (name2)', 'variable3 (name1)']
>>> s.sort(key = lambda x: x.split()[1])
>>> s
['variable3 (name1)', 'variable2 (name2)', 'variable1 (name3)']

Works the same way with sorted:

>>>s = ['variable1 (name3)', 'variable2 (name2)', 'variable3 (name1)']
>>> sorted(s)
['variable1 (name3)', 'variable2 (name2)', 'variable3 (name1)']
>>> sorted(s, key = lambda x: x.split()[1])
['variable3 (name1)', 'variable2 (name2)', 'variable1 (name3)']

Note that, as described in the question, this will be an alphabetical sort, thus for 2-digit components it will not interpret them as numbers, e.g. “11” will come before “2”.

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