Split a string into words by multiple delimiters [duplicate]

Assuming one of the delimiters is newline, the following reads the line and further splits it by the delimiters. For this example I’ve chosen the delimiters space, apostrophe, and semi-colon.

std::stringstream stringStream(inputString);
std::string line;
while(std::getline(stringStream, line)) 
    std::size_t prev = 0, pos;
    while ((pos = line.find_first_of(" ';", prev)) != std::string::npos)
        if (pos > prev)
            wordVector.push_back(line.substr(prev, pos-prev));
        prev = pos+1;
    if (prev < line.length())
        wordVector.push_back(line.substr(prev, std::string::npos));

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