SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security

SQL injection attacks happen when user input is improperly encoded. Typically, the user input is some data the user sends with her query, i.e. values in the $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, or $_SERVER arrays. However, user input can also come from a variety of other sources, like sockets, remote websites, files, etc.. Therefore, you should really treat everything but constants (like 'foobar') as user input.

In the code you posted, mysql_real_escape_string is used to encode(=escape) user inputs. The code is therefore correct, i.e. does not allow any SQL injection attacks.

Note that it’s very easy to forget the call to mysql_real_escape_string – and one time is enough for a skilled attacker! Therefore, you may want to use the modern PDO with prepared statements instead of adodb.

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