SQL Server: Isolation level leaks across pooled connections

The connection pool calls sp_resetconnection before recycling a connection. Resetting the transaction isolation level is not in the list of things that sp_resetconnection does. That would explain why “serializable” leaks across pooled connections.

I guess you could start each query by making sure it’s at the right isolation level:

if not exists (
              select  * 
              from    sys.dm_exec_sessions 
              where   session_id = @@SPID 
                      and transaction_isolation_level = 2
    set transaction isolation level read committed

Another option: connections with a different connection string do not share a connection pool. So if you use another connection string for the “serializable” queries, they won’t share a pool with the “read committed” queries. An easy way to alter the connection string is to use a different login. You could also add a random option like Persist Security Info=False;.

Finally, you could make sure every “serializable” query resets the isolation level before it returns. If a “serializable” query fails to complete, you could clear the connection pool to force the tainted connection out of the pool:


This is potentially expensive, but failing queries are rare, so you should not have to call ClearPool() often.

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