SQLite Concurrent Access

If most of those concurrent accesses are reads (e.g. SELECT), SQLite can handle them very well. But if you start writing concurrently, lock contention could become an issue. A lot would then depend on how fast your filesystem is, since the SQLite engine itself is extremely fast and has many clever optimizations to minimize contention. Especially SQLite 3.

For most desktop/laptop/tablet/phone applications, SQLite is fast enough as there’s not enough concurrency. (Firefox uses SQLite extensively for bookmarks, history, etc.)

For server applications, somebody some time ago said that anything less than 100K page views a day could be handled perfectly by a SQLite database in typical scenarios (e.g. blogs, forums), and I have yet to see any evidence to the contrary. In fact, with modern disks and processors, 95% of web sites and web services would work just fine with SQLite.

If you want really fast read/write access, use an in-memory SQLite database. RAM is several orders of magnitude faster than disk.

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