Stop and continue execution from debugger possible?

This is not necessarily the best way, but you could simulate a file-based signal/interrupt framework. It could be done by checking every once in a while inside the long simulation loop for the existence of a specific file. If it does, you enter interactive mode using the keyboard command.

Something along the lines:

CHECK_EVERY = 10;    %# like a polling rate

i = 1;               %# loop counter
while true           %# long running loop
    if rem(i,CHECK_EVERY) == 0 && exist('debug.txt','file')
        fprintf('%f seconds since last time.\n', toc)

    %# ... long calculations ...    

    i = i + 1;

You would run your simulation as usual. When you would like to step in the code, simply create a file debug.txt (manually that is), and the execution will halt and you get the prompt:

2.803095 seconds since last time.

You could then inspect your variables as usual… To continue, simply run return (dont forget to temporarily rename or remove the file). In order to exit, use dbquit

EDIT: Just occurred to me, instead of checking for files, an easier solution would be to use a dummy figure as the flag (as long as the figure is open, keep running).

hFig = figure; drawnow
while true
    if ~ishandle(hFig)
        hFig = figure; drawnow

    %# ...

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