Stratified random sampling from data frame

I would suggest using either stratified from my “splitstackshape” package, or sample_n from the “dplyr” package:

## Sample data
n <- 1e4
d <- data.table(age = sample(1:5, n, T), 
                lc = rbinom(n, 1 , .5),
                ants = rbinom(n, 1, .7))
# table(d$age, d$lc)

For stratified, you basically specify the dataset, the stratifying columns, and an integer representing the size you want from each group OR a decimal representing the fraction you want returned (for example, .1 represents 10% from each group).

out <- stratified(d, c("age", "lc"), 30)
#    age lc ants
# 1:   1  0    1
# 2:   1  0    0
# 3:   1  0    1
# 4:   1  0    1
# 5:   1  0    0
# 6:   1  0    1

table(out$age, out$lc)
#      0  1
#   1 30 30
#   2 30 30
#   3 30 30
#   4 30 30
#   5 30 30

For sample_n you first create a grouped table (using group_by) and then specify the number of observations you want. If you wanted proportional sampling instead, you should use sample_frac.

out2 <- d %>%
  group_by(age, lc) %>%

# table(out2$age, out2$lc)

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