AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?

At the very least, you are using differing initialization vectors (IV). The .Net code uses the key for IV. private static AesCryptoServiceProvider GetProvider(byte[] key) { //Set up the encryption objects AesCryptoServiceProvider result = new AesCryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] RealKey = Encryptor.GetKey(key, result); result.Key = RealKey; result.IV = RealKey; return result; } and private static byte[] GetKey(byte[] suggestedKey, … Read more

Example of AES using Crypto++ [closed]

Official document of Crypto++ AES is a good start. And from my archive, a basic implementation of AES is as follows: Please refer here with more explanation, I recommend you first understand the algorithm and then try to understand each line step by step. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include “modes.h” #include “aes.h” #include “filters.h” int … Read more

AES CTR 256 Encryption Mode of operation on OpenSSL

Usually, you will be intending to call AES_ctr128_encrypt() repeatedly to send several messages with the same key and IV, and an incrementing counter. This means you need to keep track of the ‘ivec’, ‘num’ and ‘ecount’ values between calls – so create a struct to hold these, and an initialisation function: struct ctr_state { unsigned … Read more

AES encryption in swift

Be sure to use the same parameters which seem to be AES with CBC mode with iv, PKCS5Padding (actually PKCS#7) padding and a 16-byte (128-bit) key. PKCS#5 padding and PKCS#7 padding are essentially the same, sometimes for historic reasons PKCS#5 padding is specified for use with AES but the actual padding is PKCS#7. Make sure … Read more

Encrypt and decrypt with AES and Base64 encoding

Your Order for encrypt: getBytes, encrypt, encode, toString Your Order for decrypt(Wrong*): getBytes, decrypt, decode, toString Two problems: As someone already mentioned you should reverse the order of operations for decryption. You are not doing that. encrypt gives you 16 bytes, encode 24 bytes, but toString gives 106 bytes. Something to do with invalid chars … Read more

Java AES and using my own Key

Edit: As written in the comments the old code is not “best practice”. You should use a keygeneration algorithm like PBKDF2 with a high iteration count. You also should use at least partly a non static (meaning for each “identity” exclusive) salt. If possible randomly generated and stored together with the ciphertext. SecureRandom sr = … Read more