Emulator not running

It is actually happen when you upgrade your ADT and SDK to the 20th version… That occurs with many people but the solution is you have to start “emulator-arm” instead of “emulator”… so may be it works… and for more detail you can refer http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=34233 this link…

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class

At runtime, Android resize’s images based on need (based on the screen size and resolution). It uses Bitmap’s for doing the resizing internally. Which, obviously, is very memory intensive (kinda allocates memory like crazy). One quick way to fix such issues can be, that you copy all drawable files to drawable-ldpi, mdpi, hdpi folders. This … Read more

What is the best way of installing new font to android emulator?

Whenever android fails to find a specific character it looks to DroidSansFallback.ttf, so what you need to do is replace the DroidSansFallback.ttf of the emulator by renaming a ttf font of your required language to DroidSansFallback.ttf. Do the following steps. 1.Get a market enabled rooted android emulator. You can find one here: Rooted Market Enabled … Read more

Android Studio Emulator: cannot add library vulkan-1.dll: failed

I don’t know whether Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) itself needs vulkan-1.dll or any of my following Visual Studio Code extensions, as I found out that you may find the missing vulkan-1.dll at Visual Studio Code’s following folder path: C:\Users\{your_username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\ So, if you have Microsoft Visual Studio Code installed, you may find … Read more

Not able to launch android emulator

First of all you need to check are you in correct folder? $…local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator -list-avds If so it will show you list of emulators that you have in your Android studio you are on right track Last part for launching an emulator local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator -avd Nexus_5X(name of your emulator you want to open)