Upgraded to SDK 2.3 – now no emulators have connectivity

I found a temporary solution for people having this problem. You can start your AVD in CMD prompt like this Windows C:\program files\android\android-sdk-windows\tools\emulator -avd <avdname> -dns-server Mac cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator ./emulator -avd <avdname> -dns-server is google public DNS. The problem seems to be that the emulator can’t find the DNS your computer is … Read more

How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available?

This is what I always do to use hidden api. Build the repo or download jars from https://sites.google.com/site/hippunosource/home/android/androidnohide-apiwo-shi-yongsuru-rifurekushonha-wei-shi-yong copy out out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/framework_intermediates/classes.jar (better to rename it as something like framework_all.jar) config your project build path–>libraries –> add this external jars. In Order and Export, move it up and before android.jar