How to generate a random BigInteger value in Java?

Use a loop: BigInteger randomNumber; do { randomNumber = new BigInteger(upperLimit.bitLength(), randomSource); } while (randomNumber.compareTo(upperLimit) >= 0); on average, this will require less than two iterations, and the selection will be uniform. Edit: If your RNG is expensive, you can limit the number of iterations the following way: int nlen = upperLimit.bitLength(); BigInteger nm1 = … Read more

Big numbers library in c++ [closed]

The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library does what you want Gnu MP is a C library but it has a C++ class Interface and if you are interested only in big integers, you may just deal with mpz_class. Look at the sample below which I took from the page C++ Interface General int main … Read more

Big integers in C#

As of .NET 4.0 you can use the System.Numerics.BigInteger class. See documentation here: Another alternative is the IntX class. IntX is an arbitrary precision integers library written in pure C# 2.0 with fast – O(N * log N) – multiplication/division algorithms implementation. It provides all the basic operations on integers like addition, multiplication, comparing, … Read more

How to deal with big numbers in javascript [duplicate]

While looking for an big integer library for an ElGamal crypto implementation I tested several libraries with the following results: I recommend this one: Tom Wu’s jsbn.js ( Comprehensive set of functions and fast Leemon Baird’s big integer library ( Comprehensive set of functions and pretty fast BUT: Negative number representation is buggy! bignumber.js ( … Read more

How to implement big int in C++

A fun challenge. 🙂 I assume that you want integers of arbitrary length. I suggest the following approach: Consider the binary nature of the datatype “int”. Think about using simple binary operations to emulate what the circuits in your CPU do when they add things. In case you are interested more in-depth, consider reading this … Read more

Large Numbers in Java

You can use the BigInteger class for integers and BigDecimal for numbers with decimal digits. Both classes are defined in java.math package. Example: BigInteger reallyBig = new BigInteger(“1234567890123456890”); BigInteger notSoBig = new BigInteger(“2743561234”); reallyBig = reallyBig.add(notSoBig);

add a bigInteger value to a 2d array

For those with a maths background it is a surprising feature that System.out.println(“=” + (-3 % 4)); for example, returns -3 instead of 1 (which would be in the range [0,3]); Edit: in other words, the error message error message: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -8 is ultimately caused by (n % m) can return … Read more