How many chars can be in a char array?

See this response by Jack Klein (see original post): The original C standard (ANSI 1989/ISO 1990) required that a compiler successfully translate at least one program containing at least one example of a set of environmental limits. One of those limits was being able to create an object of at least 32,767 bytes. This minimum … Read more

How to get the first five character of a String

You can use Enumerable.Take like: char[] array = yourStringVariable.Take(5).ToArray(); Or you can use String.Substring. string str = yourStringVariable.Substring(0,5); Remember that String.Substring could throw an exception in case of string’s length less than the characters required. If you want to get the result back in string then you can use: Using String Constructor and LINQ’s Take … Read more

problems with char array = char array

You can’t assign anything to an array variable in C. It’s not a ‘modifiable lvalue’. From the spec, ยง6.3.2.1 Lvalues, arrays, and function designators: An lvalue is an expression with an object type or an incomplete type other than void; if an lvalue does not designate an object when it is evaluated, the behavior is … Read more

“cout” and “char address” [duplicate]

I believe the << operator recognizes it as a string. Casting it to a void* should work: cout << (void*)&p; std::basic_ostream has a specialized operator that takes a std::basic_streambuf (which basically is a string (in this case)): _Myt& operator<<(_Mysb *_Strbuf) as opposed to the operator that takes any pointer (except char* of course): _Myt& operator<<(const … Read more