Static Actionscript code analysis possibilities

Update Nov 2018: It would appear that Structure101 (new download page) no longer has an ActionScript variant. Original answer, links outdated: Download Structure101g and select the Actionscript flavor after installing the software. I’ve confirmed that it is able to map out class level and even function call dependencies in Flex/AS3 projects, and generate a visual … Read more

Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app? [closed]

Gendarme will detect private methods with no upstream callers. It is available cross platform, and the latest version handles “AvoidUncalledPrivateCodeRule“. FxCop will detect public/protected methods with no upstream callers. However, FxCop does not detect all methods without upstream callers, as it is meant to check in the case that your code is part of a … Read more