How to get VS 2010 to recognize certain CUDA functions

You could create a dummy #include file of the following form: #pragma once #ifdef __INTELLISENSE__ void __syncthreads(); … #endif This should hide the fake prototypes from the CUDA and Visual C++ compilers, but still make them visible to IntelliSense. Source for __INTELLISENSE__ macro:

Vim inoremap for specific filetypes

You need to do 2 things: create a mapping local to a specific buffer by using the <buffer> option for inoremap. load the mappings for just a specific filetype. This can be done via an autocommand in your .vimrc like so: autocmd FileType php inoremap <buffer> ( ()<Esc>i The other way option is by creating … Read more

How can I tell PyCharm what type a parameter is expected to be?

Yes, you can use special documentation format for methods and their parameters so that PyCharm can know the type. Recent PyCharm version supports most common doc formats. For example, PyCharm extracts types from @param style comments. See also reStructuredText and docstring conventions (PEP 257). Another option is Python 3 annotations. Please refer to the PyCharm … Read more