Configure compass browser support (Compass 1.x syntax)

Excluding browsers is done by modifying the $graceful-usage-threshold variable. If Browser X only has 4.99% of the market share, you want to set it to 5. $debug-browser-support: true; $browser-minimum-versions: ( “ie”: “9” ); $graceful-usage-threshold: 4.46163; @import “compass”; .foo { @include opacity(.5); @include border-radius(10px); } Output: .foo { /* Content for ie 8 omitted. Minimum support … Read more

ERROR: While executing gem … (Errno::EPERM) Operation not permitted [duplicate]

I found the answer on SASS issues: Since OSX el Capitan there is a new security function that prevents you from modifying system files called Rootless. So you have 2 options: If you install gems on /usr/local/bin there will be no problem because rootless doesn’t affect this path. sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin GEM_NAME_HERE