How to watch for file changes “dotnet watch” with Visual Studio ASP.NET Core

If you want to use ASP.NET 2.x or 3.x you need to change it a bit. The watch tool is a global tool now and you don’t need to add it as a reference any longer The syntax is slightly different “Watch”: { “executablePath”: “dotnet.exe”, “workingDirectory”: “$(ProjectDir)”, “commandLineArgs”: “watch run”, “launchBrowser”: true, “launchUrl”: “http://localhost:5000/”, “environmentVariables”: … Read more

Is .NET Execution Environment (DNX) similar to Mono?

Yes, DNX compares pretty well to Mono’s mono.exe. Or for that matter the runtime of other VM languages like Java (java.exe) or Python (python.exe). They all solve the same chicken-and-egg problem, they run on operating systems that don’t know beans about the VM. It has to be initialized first, the program’s entry point needs to … Read more

How to fix DNX/DNVM in Visual Studio 2015?

This is a known issue. ASP.NET 5: On Windows 7 SP1, DNX SDK cannot be installed without Powershell 3.0. Symptoms When you create an ASP.NET 5 project, you receive the following error message: DNX SDK version ‘dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta5’ failed to install. The solution will use DNX SDK version ‘dnx-clr-win-x86-1.0.0-beta5’ for this session Workaround To work around … Read more

How do I get the kestrel web server to listen to non-localhost requests?

The default configuration file used by Kestrel server is hosting.json. The name was changed multiple times in different beta versions. If you use now project.json with the following “command” section “commands”: { “web”: “Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel” } then during starting the server from the command line by dnx web the file hosting.json will be read. The file … Read more