RabbitMQ fails on Error: unable to connect to node rabbit@TPAJ05421843: nodedown

I had this same problem today. There were no cookie or firewall problems and windows reported that the service was running successfully. This is what finally fixed it: Run RabbitMQ sbin command prompt as administrator. Run “rabbitmq-service remove” Run “rabbitmq-service install” For some reason the service set up by the installer did not configure several … Read more

Erlang lists with single numbers over 8?

String is not a data type in Erlang, it’s just a list of integers. But Erlang shell try to display lists as strings if possible: 1> S = [65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70]. “ABCDEF” 2> S = “ABCDEF”. “ABCDEF” 3> io:write(S). [65,66,67,68,69,70]ok 4> [65, 66]. “AB” 5> [65, 66, 1]. [65,66,1]

Erlang Processes vs Java Threads

Repeat after me: “These are different paradigms” Say that aloud 20 times or so — it is our mantra for the moment. If we really must compare apples and oranges, let’s at least consider where the common aspects of “being fruit” intersect. Java “objects” are a Java programmer’s basic unit of computation. That is, an … Read more

Can I disable printing lists of small integers as strings in Erlang shell?

I don’t know if it’s possible to change the default behavior of the shell, but you can at least format your output correctly, using io:format. Here is an example: 1> io:format(“~p~n”, [[65, 66, 67]]). “ABC” ok 2> io:format(“~w~n”, [[65, 66, 67]]). [65,66,67] ok And since the shell is only for experimenting / maintenance, io:format() should … Read more