why this mysql event can’t get run?

Is your event scheduler running? Check with SHOW PROCESSLIST. If you don’t have a process “Daemon” by user “event_scheduler” then it’s not running. Start the event scheduler thus: SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON; See also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/events-configuration.html

RoutedEventArgs.Source vs Sender

The difference between the two is not often seen, as usually the sender and Source are the same. Most code written like Windows Forms will basically ignore the difference and send them along as the same reference. However, given how WPF’s event routing works they represent two different concepts. sender is the object at which … Read more

Delphi event handling, how to create own event

Here’s a short-but-complete console application that shows how to create your own event in Delphi. Includes everything from type declaration to calling the event. Read the comments in the code to understand what’s going on. program Project23; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; type // Declare an event type. It looks allot like a normal method declaration … Read more

wxPython: Calling an event manually

Old topic, but I think I’ve got this figured out after being confused about it for a long time, so if anyone else comes through here looking for the answer, this might help. To manually post an event, you can use self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) (wxWidgets docs here, wxPython docs here) or wx.PostEvent(self.GetEventHandler(), event) (wxWidgets docs, wxPython docs) … Read more