Excel: Searching for multiple terms in a cell

Another way =IF(SUMPRODUCT(–(NOT(ISERR(SEARCH({“Gingrich”,”Obama”,”Romney”},C1)))))>0,”1″,””) Also, if you keep a list of values in, say A1 to A3, then you can use =IF(SUMPRODUCT(–(NOT(ISERR(SEARCH($A$1:$A$3,C1)))))>0,”1″,””) The wildcards are not necessary at all in the Search() function, since Search() returns the position of the found string.

.xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python

Link of xlsxwriter : https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contents.html With the help of this you can generate excel file with .xlsx and .xls for example excel file generated name is trial.xls Now if you want to generate pdf of that excel file then do the following : from win32com import client xlApp = client.Dispatch(“Excel.Application”) books = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(‘C:\\excel\\trial.xls’) ws = … Read more

How to use workbook.saveas with automatic Overwrite

To hide the prompt set xls.DisplayAlerts = False ConflictResolution is not a true or false property, it should be xlLocalSessionChanges Note that this has nothing to do with displaying the Overwrite prompt though! Set xls = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”) xls.DisplayAlerts = False Set wb = xls.Workbooks.Add fullFilePath = importFolderPath & “\” & “A.xlsx” wb.SaveAs fullFilePath, AccessMode:=xlExclusive,ConflictResolution:=Excel.XlSaveConflictResolution.xlLocalSessionChanges wb.Close … Read more