How do I download a file from FastAPI backend using JavaScript Fetch API in the frontend?

First, you need to adjust your endpoint on server side to accept path parameters, as in the way that is currently defined, lat and long are expected to be query parameters instead; however, in the JavaScript code you provided, it seems that you are trying to send those coordinates as path parameters. Thus, your endpoint … Read more

Cannot Upload File to FastAPI backend using JavaScript Fetch API in the frontend

As per the documentation: Warning: When using FormData to submit POST requests using XMLHttpRequest or the Fetch_API with the multipart/form-data Content-Type (e.g. when uploading Files and Blobs to the server), do not explicitly set the Content-Type header on the request. Doing so will prevent the browser from being able to set the Content-Type header with … Read more

FastAPI returns “Error 422: Unprocessable entity” when I send multipart form data with JavaScript Fetch API

The 422 error response body will contain an error message about which field(s) is missing or doesn’t match the expected format. Since you haven’t provided that (please do so), my guess is that the error is triggered due to how you defined the images parameter in your endpoint. Since images is expected to be a … Read more

How to post image with fetch?

according to this it works in different way, at least for me it works as well. const fileInput = document.querySelector(‘#your-file-input’) ; const formData = new FormData(); formData.append(‘file’, fileInput.files[0]); const options = { method: ‘POST’, body: formData, // If you add this, upload won’t work // headers: { // ‘Content-Type’: ‘multipart/form-data’, // } }; fetch(‘your-upload-url’, … Read more

Slack incoming webhook: Request header field Content-type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

That Slack API endpoint unfortunately appears to be broken in its handling of cross-origin requests from frontend JavaScript code—in that it doesn’t handle the CORS preflight OPTIONS request as it should—so the only solution seems to be to omit the Content-Type header. So it looks like you need to remove the following from the headers … Read more

fetch API returning an empty string

I guess this might help, use as below: fetch(‘/url/to/server’) .then(res => { return res.text(); }) .then(data => { $(‘#container’).html(data); }); And in server side, return content as plain text without setting header content-type. I used $(‘#container’) to represent the container that you want the html data to go after retrieving it. The difference with fetching … Read more